
Dance as though the worlds your stage

Dance as though the worlds your stage

Monday, 13 August 2012

Standing tall...

Dancing improves your posture, both on and off the dance floor!

Having a good posture and body alignment are important to all dancers. A good posture makes a dancer appear more elegant and confident. Good posture also improves overall balance and body control.
Not only does good posture make you look more confident and alert, slouching or slumping can actually be bad for your body so it might be a good idea to keep in mind.
Dance of all genres can help to improve your posture both on and off the dance floor as it will eventually become so natural that you will walk tall naturally and sit up straight instead of slouching out of habit. Even if you are not a dancer, improving your posture can have positive effects on your body, as well as making you appear more confident.
Incorrect and correct way of standing
Some steps to help improve your posture:
  1. Firstly you need to find your center of balance. You can do this by imagining a straight line running through your spine
  2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart
  3. Your weight should be evenly distributed (Don’t put more weight on your one foot than on the other)
  4. Stand with your body weight forward, your weight must be placed more on the balls of your feet than on your heels
  5. Straighten your legs by pulling the muscles in your legs upwards, knees straight not bent, but don’t lock your knees
  6. Tighten the muscles in your bottom
  7. Tighten your tummy muscles
  8. Widen your shoulders, keep shoulders square and relaxed by pushing them down and back (This sort of makes your chest pop out)
  9. Relax your arms down the side of your body, more in front but not touching your body, keep your elbows slightly bent and hands soft
  10. Lift your chin parallel to the floor, lengthening the neck
  11. Keep your head in line with your spine
  12. Eyes looking straight ahead not at your feet
  13. Breathe deeply and relax
  • Keep your shoulders down and open as often as possible
  • Look up and out, never down at your feet when you are walking
  • Look in a mirror to check your posture
  • Practice the steps for a few minutes each day
Hope these steps help you walk through life a little taller...
Love as always & forever, in dance
Mia xxx

1 comment:

  1. it have very essential info to be good posture makes a dancer appear more elegant and confident.

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